Schmidt-Ott Lab

Supplementary Data

Supplemental Files for Amiri et al. 2025.




Amiri et al. 2025. Supplemental Movie 1. Time-lapse movie from ~NC11 to gastrulation. Embryos from left to right; 1) Cal-zld RNAi 2) Cal-zld RNAi, 3) Cal-zld RNAi, 4) alignment control, and 5) Cal-zld RNAi. Transmitted light imaging was performed on a Leica DM5000B at 1-minute intervals. Imaging was stopped and needed to be restarted twice, this accrues at the ~30 second and ~65 second marks. Scale bar 100 μM.



Amiri et al. 2025. Supplemental Movie 2. Loss of Drosophila melanogaster zelda impairs cellularization and cytoplasmic clearing during zygotic genome activation. This movie is a composite of two independently recorded movies aligned to coincide with the beginning of nuclear cycle 14, both of Cry2-zelda embryos. Cry2-zelda embryos express a chimeric zelda protein fused to the light-inducible Cry2 module, allowing zelda loss of function upon exposure to blue light (1). The top embryo was imaged at a permissive wavelength (zld+, 594 nm) and the bottom one was imaged at the restrictive wavelength (zld-, 488 nm) on a confocal microscope with a 30-second frame rate. The timestamp indicates minutes relative to the beginning of NC14. Note that while the zld+ embryo develops clear cortical cytoplasm and cellularizes during the ~1h period of NC14, the zld- embryo retains dark cytoplasm at the basal surface of the nuclei and fails to undergo cellularization, prior to loss of epithelial integrity (~ +45minutes, lower right). Scale bar, 50 μm.